Rob Mulholland is a sculptor and environmental artist based in the United Kingdom who exhibits throughout the UK and world-wide and undertakes both public and private commissions.

His practise explores the complex relationship between humans and the natural world. Utilizing a wide variety of forms and materials his sculpture installations interact with their surroundings. He incorporates mirrored surfaces in his sculptures to reflect the given environment and alter the viewers perception of the space.

The reflection is purposely distorted inviting the viewer to question their individual relationship with their surroundings. This nexus between people and the natural world is further developed in recent works which illuminate this symbiotic relationship. He is interested in elements of deconstruction and has interpreted this with sculptures such as Skytower and Evolve in which kinetic forces appear to have torn through and re-shaped the sculptural forms.

These sculptures push the boundaries of physical structural engineering allowing him to explore and develop his practice further. His work is both gallery based and sited in public spaces.
Contact Rob +44 07799313111
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